Must Watch: Janet Napoles handa ng ibunyag ang baho ng Liberal Party - PilipiKnows

Must Watch: Janet Napoles handa ng ibunyag ang baho ng Liberal Party

Janet Lim Napoles was absolved by court of offers for her genuine unlawful detainment case to Benhur Luy. Napoles is eager to turned into a state observer to vouch for administrators, legislators and other government authorities with the association on multi-billion-peso pork barrel scam.

Napoles will be place under house capture while she will keep on facing trail on her loot accuses of the association of Priority Development Assistance Fund scam.

David said Napoles would likewise move to be set under house capture while she keeps on confronting trial for numerous loot accuses in association of the Priority Development Assistance Fund scam.

In 2014, Napoles identified senators as well as 69 other congressmen who allegedly benefited from the pork scam. Many of the legislators were members of the Liberal Party.

Liberal Party was now shocked on the recent status of Napoles. Liberal Party should now be scared this is maybe their end.

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Must Watch: Janet Napoles handa ng ibunyag ang baho ng Liberal Party Must Watch: Janet Napoles handa ng ibunyag ang baho ng Liberal Party Reviewed by Amyezra on 3:49 PM Rating: 5

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