Must Watch: President Duterte napaiyak ng Makita ang Kanyang Namatay na Sundalo - PilipiKnows

Must Watch: President Duterte napaiyak ng Makita ang Kanyang Namatay na Sundalo

President Rodrigo Duterte on Sunday was discovered crying in the wake of two soldiers executed by the New People's Army.

Duterte went to the wake of Naval Station Felix Apolinario and Corporal Michael Yadao at the Eastern Mindanao Command Gymnasium in Panacan, Davao City on Friday. As indicated by the report, the two soldiers were killed in a blast of a hand crafted bomb at Calinan District in Davao City Thursday.

The image of Duterte became emotional makes the heart of his supporters breaks.
They also felt what the president was going through seeing his two fallen soldiers.
It is said that Duterte hands out a financial aid to the families after comforting them Stella Marie Felt his pain, from a father whose so strong,full of humor and simplicity,to see him sobbing is extremely painful. The picture says "vengeance is ours, rest now my son for the future of your children is clear".

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Must Watch: President Duterte napaiyak ng Makita ang Kanyang Namatay na Sundalo Must Watch: President Duterte napaiyak ng Makita ang Kanyang Namatay na Sundalo Reviewed by Amyezra on 9:04 AM Rating: 5

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