Trending: Sharon Cuneta Wala ng Balak na babalik pa ng Pilipinas, Goodbye Kiko Naba? - PilipiKnows

Trending: Sharon Cuneta Wala ng Balak na babalik pa ng Pilipinas, Goodbye Kiko Naba?

Why did Sharon Cuneta postpone her flight home?

On-screen character and artist Sharon Cuneta chosen to put off her outing back home in the Philippines. Sharon traveled to another country to give her some an opportunity to be separated from everyone else. Fans and followers of the megastar communicated their worry and support to their idol after Sharon posted two or three photograph messages on her Instagram account.

On Instagram, Sharon posted the following:

“Bye for now, ???? Philippines. The girl’s been through way too much pain and fatigue in the past few weeks, she has to collect herself and regroup once again..

Being away from everything mundane and familiar provides a different, fresh perspective. The only thing I hate about being away from my family is, well, just that. But we all always have to take care of #1 too — meaning, ourselves.

Otherwise how can we take care of others? Love and God bless us all! Disappearing muna. Thank God for a huge world apart from what we already know.

P.S. In my seat — and airline pajamas. :-)”

It appears Sharon should return home to the Philippine however chosen to postpone it with this Instagram posting:

“Was supposed to go home today. But nope. Am not. God bless you all!”

A post shared by Sharon (@reallysharoncuneta) on
Here is another post made by Sharon on Instagram:

“Guess who the caterpillar was? :-)”

A post shared by Sharon (@reallysharoncuneta) on

On her Facebook page, Sharon also posted another message about her choice of not returning home.

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Trending: Sharon Cuneta Wala ng Balak na babalik pa ng Pilipinas, Goodbye Kiko Naba? Trending: Sharon Cuneta Wala ng Balak na babalik pa ng Pilipinas, Goodbye Kiko Naba? Reviewed by Amyezra on 9:10 PM Rating: 5

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