Viral: Mindanao Priest Approves Duterte’s Martial Law Declaration in Mindanao - PilipiKnows

Viral: Mindanao Priest Approves Duterte’s Martial Law Declaration in Mindanao

While other Catholic ministers have been dissenting to the high sky against Martial law in Mindanao, a Mindanaon priest communicating his support for Pres. Duterte's presentation of Martial Law in Mindanao by counting a few reasons.

Mercado focused on that his part "is to draw in government and the security division that in the lead of war against psychological warfare, the wellbeing of regular people stay foremost thought and that HRs are maintained."

Read his full post below:

"Declaring my belief and support from the ground...
1. I believe that PRRD has the proper knowledge and counsel both in his war against terrorism and illegal drugs;
2. I believe that his declaration of ML in Mindanao is a pre-emptive strike against the real and factual menace of terrorism;
3. I believe that the rise of Dawla Islamiyya in Southern Philippines aka the local ISIS is a piece of the worldwide network of Terrorism with both ideological and religious basis;
4. I believe that the Government under PRRD is confronting the issue of terrorism by the horn albeit costly and painful;
5. I believe, at this point, that PRRD and the AFP are handling ML with caution and respect for HR; and
6. I believe that the issue of terrorism is a real menace that needs radical response!
My role is to engage government and the security sector that in the conduct of war against terrorism, the safety of civilians remain paramount consideration and that HRs are upheld...
God bless us all...!
Fr. Jun Mercado, OMI
June 7, 2017"

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Viral: Mindanao Priest Approves Duterte’s Martial Law Declaration in Mindanao Viral: Mindanao Priest Approves Duterte’s Martial Law Declaration in Mindanao Reviewed by Amyezra on 7:58 PM Rating: 5

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