Watch: Armed men attack and allegedly burn Resorts World Manila, suspects might be terrorists - PilipiKnows

Watch: Armed men attack and allegedly burn Resorts World Manila, suspects might be terrorists

(DEVELOPING STORY) Gunshots were heard inside at Resorts World Manila in Pasay City and the Casino requested all their visitor to clear the building quickly.

As per some netizens who went to the Casino amid the assault, they saw equipped conceal men entered the building and heard ceaseless discharges that made the a few visitors hurried for security.

Pasay Police as of now sent their men in Resorts World Manila to affirm the reports and guard the general population.

It was additionally detailed that the second floor of the Resorts world building is presently consuming and a few netizens transferred a video of the present circumstance of the gambling club. Firetrucks and ambulances were there to react in the territory.

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Watch: Armed men attack and allegedly burn Resorts World Manila, suspects might be terrorists Watch: Armed men attack and allegedly burn Resorts World Manila, suspects might be terrorists Reviewed by Amyezra on 1:23 PM Rating: 5

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