Must Watch: The President makes a series of wake visits to the casualties - PilipiKnows

Must Watch: The President makes a series of wake visits to the casualties

After visiting the wounded-in-action (WIA) soldiers in Cagayan de Oro City, President Rody Duterte commiserates with the bereaved families of some local and foreign fatalities in the recent incident at Resorts World Manila that happened on June 2, 2017.

The President makes a series of wake visits to the casualties at Veronica Memorial Chapel and Rizal Funeral Homes, Inc. in Pasay City and at Heritage Memorial Park in Taguig City on June 3, 2017

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Must Watch: The President makes a series of wake visits to the casualties Must Watch: The President makes a series of wake visits to the casualties Reviewed by Amyezra on 7:53 PM Rating: 5

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